Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well, I'm sure that you will all be relieved to learn that I won the auction and should receive the Nintendo 64 next week sometime. Henry is overjoyed.

Today is laundry day. Oh, joy. Sorry that this hasn't been a very exciting or upbeat week of posts.


sassy stephanie said...

*Sigh. Laundry DAY? If I don't do a load a day I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders!

Unknown said...

Ahh laundry... now THAT'S a video game I'd play... get to shoot socks and shirts from the sky...

Heather said...

Oh, laundry...I guess I should do some too.

Anonymous said...

That is too'll have to let us know how he likes it once he gets it.

Yeah, I need to do laundry tonight too.....

Anonymous said...

That is too'll have to let us know how he likes it once he gets it.

Yeah, I need to do laundry tonight too.....