Friday, October 3, 2008

Is it Friday already?!

Wow, I can't believe that this week went by so fast. As you may remember from an earlier post... Garfield has been missing. It's been over 2 weeks. So yesterday Henry and I went to the Arizona Humane Society and picked out a new kitty. She is 2 months old and already fixed (I had no idea that they do it that young now), she had her shots, is feline leukemia negative and is "chipped" in case she gets out.

Here she is:



Rachel said...

I am sorry your cat is missing...I must have missed that post or my poor brain forgot that! But, I am sorry!
This new kitty looks cute and I know it's already getting some much needed love! :)

Ronda's Rants said...

Okay...the above comment is daughter did not sign out before leaving!

Nik said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear about your other cat...but the new one is as cute as can be! Have fun with her!

j said...

The Kitty is cute but Henry... He is ADORABLE!!! What gorgeous eyes he has!

Jennifer said...

Oh no--I'm sorry your cat is missing--but the new kitten sure is cute--so is Henry! Maybe Garfield will still come back and then he will have a sister!

Jennifer said...

What a sweet kitty! And that is quite a handsome young man you have, too!