Monday, August 25, 2008


Can I just say that this weekend of working 3 12 hour night shifts in a row totally kicked my butt. I am so tired and achy! Newsflash::: I am no longer 25!

Due to confidentiality issues, I can't go into detail. But suffice it to say that I felt like I was working in a psyche ward this weekend.


Ronda's Rants said...

I think worse than being in a Psyche ward would be working in a Psyche ward! Lot's and Lot's of pain there I am sure!

KWolfAK said...

Yeah, I know! I read Insane Mama this morning and I thought. Gosh, I am so glad I wasn't her nurse! I definitely do Med/Surg only!

j said...

Bless your heart! I am going to read a bit and get caught up with you.

Take care!
