Friday, August 8, 2008

I Survived!

Well, I got through it! I gave my testimony last night at church. I was so nervous. I couldn't get my voice to stop shaking and my mouth even went dry, but I persevered and somehow made it through.

I wasn't sure exactly what I would say, after all if you've read my faith journey (all 9 long posts of it) then you know that I had to really shorten it. Pastor Scott even threatened me with 'the hook' if I went too long. Now, I didn't time myself, but it must have been somewhere close to the 5 minute mark because I wasn't dragged off the stage. I prayed about it a lot this week and I figure that I must have said what God wanted me to say... I'm not sure I even remember exactly what I did say. But it must have been OK because a bunch of people came up to me afterwards and said that they enjoyed hearing it. God is good. Who would have ever thought that anything I ever did would bring glory to God?!

Many others shared their testimonies too (some from The Summit and some from Copper Hills) and I never get tired of hearing how God works in the lives of His children. We even got to hear from Pastor Brad and he told a wonderful story of how his summer sabbatical has given him refreshment of his spirit and how he has learned and grown even closer to God.

I would have to say, though, that my favorite part of the night was meeting my brothers and sisters from Copper Hills and realizing that as Christians, no matter where we go we are part of one great and wondrous family. The family of the Living God!

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! - 1 John 3:1


Ronda's Rants said...

I am so happy and I knew it would go well...I just knew it! You are a blessing to your father!

Flower said...

What a treasured story to tell and share with your "family".

Muthering Heights said...

Good for you for sharing it! :)

stacey said...

I just came across your ~great~
blog! Nice to 'met' you:)

I Love hearing peoples testimonies too!!!God is so Good!!!

Crazed Nitwit said...

Congrats Babe! Good for you. Yes, all Christians are one big family under God. Cool. isn't it?


Aunt Julie said...

Congrats on sharing The Word. Happy Sunday!

Jennifer said...

Hi Kendra! Congrats on making it through your public appearance--I would have been a nervous wreck. Thabks you for entering my giveaway and wishing you lots of luck!!

ann said...

our god is an awesome god.

Tammy said...

Way to go! I'm sure God put the words on your heart and you spoke them.

Anonymous said...

SOOOO glad everything worked out so well! We are generally harder on ourselves than God would ever be on us!!!

j said...

I am SO proud of you! I can't talk in front of people at ALL. So seriously, I think this is wonderful.

Thank you so much for your support of my kiddo. I read all of the comments from that post to him and I think it helped him to see that he was being lifted up and thought of by everyone.

You are a blessing to me.


Susanne said...

So glad your testimony went well. I'm sure it will speak and touch many hearts.

I love to hear how the Lord works in people's lives too!